How much does it cost?
Solar system pricing takes into account many factors. Roof space, roof oritentation, your electrical usage, shading, and your utility companies solar policy. Prices start at $15,000.
How long does it last?
There are many solar systems still operating in excess of 35 years.
What is the warranty?
- The equipment manufacturer’s warranty is 25 years.
- Power production warranty is 25 years.
- Workmanship warranty is 15 years.
- Leased systems have a bumper to bumper 25-year warranty.
Are there Tax Incentives?
Every system has a Federal Tax Incentive of 30% of the cost of the system. Many states also offer State Tax Incentives. Some utilities, like Duke Energy, also offer rebates.
Will it damage my roof?
A properly installed system will cause no damage to your roof.
What is the ROI (Return on Investment)?
 With the Federal Tax Incentive, added value to your home, and savings on your electric bill, in most cases you are in the black from day one.
What if I want to sell my home?
A solar system adds 4% value to your home. If you sell the house, you can increase your asking price and pay off the system, or the new owners can assume the existing loan or lease.